It's been 3 weeks since I got back from London. Can't believe it... 3 weeks?! It has felt like more than 3 months! Time goes by so slowly..

I miss London... I'm so looking forward to the next time I'm going there, which is as soon as possible. But don't know yet when.. Maybe in summer? I hope. Especially if there happens to be Dead Or Alive's tour in UK then! That's what I've heard there would be.. Yay. But really, now when I'm thinking about everything that happened few weeks ago in London.. It was like a dream! Luckily I've some
pictures to prove me it was real!
I'm just so unhappy here in the freezing Finland.. Someone please, come and rescue me.. Warm me up.. Take me away, or show me how to enjoy my life here.. Make me happy.. Please?
I know what you mean time seems to slow down O.o it's weird when you enjoy something then like time is fading... but on the otherhand it really seems like time nearly stands still ....
ReplyDeleteI'm crossng my fingers for you that you could go in summer to London again :) and keep your pictures saved :P... 'cause I lost my England pictures when my pc broke down =(
Ohhh, time has gone by so slowly... And I do hope summer comes fast so I can go to London too and maybe see you there :) Hope your doing well!
Siz, But it's just so annoying, what you said, that when you're enjoying, the time goes by sooo fast but otherwise time feels like standing still. =/ Why couldn't it be the other way around! And thanks.. I really hope it too! But as you know I'm having problems at home so I don't know how will I manage them to book flights for me.. Well, dad was talking about it last weekend, that let's book the flights because they're so cheap now, but then the next day he asked me to show him how to book flights to Riga! He's planning to go there with his friend.. And forgotten about everything he saod about us going to London in summer. O_o I think I'll manage to keep my London pictures saved. They're in my external hard drive, on facebook, and also in my camera's memory card! So it wouldn't be so easy to lose them, as they all can't broke down at the same time.. can they? lol. I know how it must have felt when you lost your pictures.. =/ But I'll say more about it under the other post where we're talking about lost pictures. :'D
ReplyDeleteFab, time really has gone by slowly! Can't wait till it's summer again... I feel so fat and unconfortable w ith all my witner clothes on and they aren't even enough to keep me warm! Hah.. Yeah hopefully we can meet up in summer! :)
maybe they book the flights as a surprise for you ;D so they don't let you know anything aobut it ^^ until it is time to say :P
ReplyDeleteI 2 save my things videos pictures and everything that's important to me on my external hard drive ^^ and on "USB-sticks"
Hahahahaha I don't think they'd do that! As they're so angry at me all the time these days.. Why would they want to give me something I really want, something that really would make me happier than happy? O_o
ReplyDeleteI really hope these external hard drives wouldn't break down.. :D
maybe as an excuse xD for how they treaded you those days? :P
ReplyDeleteI hope 2 xD haha.. but as long as we care for those external drives and don't put 'em in water or so xD I think they'll live a long time ;D
I don't think so.. They don't think they've treated me unfairly, they think I deserve it. And well, I'm sure they wouldn't book those flights to me anyway. I had kind of argument with my dad about going to London today.. It started out of nothing, he started accusing me of thinking everything is so easy and simple and I don't understand how hard it is to work and earn money. O_o
ReplyDeleteWe cared for our computers too but they didn't live long ;( How can we trust anything to stay alive despite how well we treat them!
oh I know those arguments well xD.. my dad keeps telling me that I think things are so easy and stuff but I'm really planning on how many money I'll need to survive xD and have a little flat ...
ReplyDeletewell because we doN't use those external drives way too often ^^ ... I think that's the reason why the live longer than a pc ^^...
Why do the parents always think they know what we think! They don't ... ;<
ReplyDeleteYeah maybe it's because of that :D
And heey I've wondered, do you get a notifications when I reply to your comments on my blog posts? As you reply me so soon I've replied, even though I haven't replied to comments on your blog posts or on youtube so you haven't seen I've been writing ? :'D
I don't know it seems like they WANT to know what we're thinking... but in fact.. they can't xD and I think it's good the way.. but I don't like it when they'Re telling you what you think xD
ReplyDeleteno I don't get any notifications when you reply to your posts.. xD somehow I think I'm so slow.. today I'm only makin writing mistakes so I always have to correct the words.. and I'm on facebook at the same time carring for my farm xD
But if they want to know what we're thinking.. Why can't they just ask?? I'd give an answer.. Everything would be fine.. But when they're assuming what we're thinking, it almost everytime leads to an argument!
ReplyDeleteYou're not slow at all! :D Hahah.. I'm not making so much mistakes when writing in english.. I don't know why, maybe I just don't write it too fast. Writing in finnish... I can't write even one single sentence without making mistakes XD And usually I can't be bothered to correct them.. People understand me anyway :D
that's so true... I don't know why they're not asking.. it's better to ask than claiming that they'd know what we think...
ReplyDeletexD I don't know why I made so many mistakes yesterday.. perhaps it was because I was tired xD... usually I don't have to correct every 2nd word xD...
And why they always think that we're thinking something "not good" and it gives them reason to be angry... O_o
ReplyDeleteHahah.. :D I don't think tiredness makes me to make more mistakes than usually.. Because I'm always tired! Lool..
yeaH they're angry for nothing...
ReplyDeletexD maybe you'Re used to your tiredness xD ...
and I'm not.. *g*
Why to waste energy at being angry.. Why can't we just live in peace here O_o
ReplyDeleteHahah maybe.. :'D
xD yeah I should get used to my tiredness too xD it seems the last few weeks that I have to live with the fact that I'm tired all the way xD haha!
ReplyDeletepeace would be perfect :D
..make love not war ;D
I think the better plan would be to sleep well and get rid of the tiredness than get used to it :D
ReplyDeleteLoo.. make love not war :'D
xD would be a better way but it doesn't really work... so I have to get used to my tiredness 2 :P
ReplyDeletexD isn't love much better ;D than war?!! ^^
.. well xD this sentence was the first thing that came to my mind when you said "why can't we live in peace here" xD
It will work if you want.. =)
ReplyDeleteLove is much better than war! Everyone just should realise it :D lool
xD well I could try first to get a better sleep ... but how? ^^
ReplyDelete^.^ everyone should keep that in mind ^^
I have no idea! Just go to bed and fell asleep? How it's going to be good, I don't know.. But maybe if you're tired enough, you'll sleep well :D And always try to go to bed early so you'll get enough sleep.. if you have an early wake up..
ReplyDeleteYeah they should =)
but somehow it doesn't work I mean when I go to bed and I am so damn tired I really can't fall asleep for hours xD weird!.. but somehow it never works ...
ReplyDeleteThat happens to me often too.. But I think if you always go to bed early and you just try to sleep and do nothing else, soon you'll be able to fall asleep sooner :D But yeah it's not really so easy XD But I'd really want to learn to to it as I don't like being tired..
ReplyDeletewell I'm not sure if you could learn to fall a sleep quite soon...
ReplyDeleteI think you could learn it.. ^__^ If you go to bed when you're tired.. And not read or do anything else but try to fall asleep.. You might get used to it, like when you go to bed you fall asleep :D And if there's some things on your mind and you can't sleep because you're thinking about them.. You could write a diary or something before going to bed and kind of get those things off your mind for the night 8)
ReplyDeleteoh writing a diary is a bad idea for me xD then my brain wouldn't stop... it would even have more things on my mind.. xD so I would stay up the whole night... ^.^ so better I don't start wrting diaries...
ReplyDeletewell maybe my days at university will be exhausting so I'm able to fall asleep xD
Hahah.. Well it sounds like it's better if you don't write a diary XD
ReplyDeleteMaybe... You'll see it soon :DD
xD well so I only can try to practise *g*
ReplyDeleteor hope that I'm so exhausted and fall asleep very soon
haha.. Good luck 8)
ReplyDeletewell xD the bed isn't really comfortable there.. so I need more time to fall aslep plus.. I wake up too eraly O.o ... I keep waking up in the middle of the night 'cause the bed is so unconfortable... =/
ReplyDeleteAww =( You couldn't bring your own bed from home to there? Or a soft mattress or something? You can't sleep in a uncomfortable bed for the next 3 years you're going to spend there O_o
ReplyDeletesomehow I'm kinda getting used to it ^^ now I don't wake up anymore that often in the middle of the night :) it's getting better =D
ReplyDeleteThat's good! :D
ReplyDeleteyeah I'm glad I don't wake up 10 times in the night... was so frustrating!
ReplyDeleteYeah I know it's frustrating to keep waking up in the middle of night .. when all you want to do is SLEEP! But glad you don't do it anymore :DD
ReplyDeletewell not that often anymore.. but still sometimes.. so annoying!
ReplyDeleteStill sometimes is better than often :D But the best would be never..
ReplyDeletetrue... never would be the best maybe I'm goin to manage that not waking up anymore in the middle of the night xD
ReplyDeleteNever is almost impossible I think.. I don't know if there's anyone who could sleep well EVERY night and not wake up in the middle of nights at least sometimes.. :D
ReplyDeleteyeah sometimes but it's close to never ;D
ReplyDeleteTrue :D