
Saturday, 30 July 2011

Taru Kissojen Rouvasta @Yo-talo 2011

Amazing drag-theatre show that Siz and I went to see last week!

Linnea Von Kattendam and her sisters!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

update #2

Heey everyone! 

Sorry I haven't posted anything / commented on your blogs / replied to comments here lately ! I've been busy with friends and everything and haven't had much time for blogging..

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive, and haven't forgotten you! ;D 

Going to start catching up soon! x

Saturday, 16 July 2011

JVG and popsicles

My friend Tommi from Turku came to visit me in Nokia for a couple nights! I had a great time with him, he's such a nice and fun guy to be around!

At first he sewed my snake's mouth closed. I think it looks much better that way, but I've been to lazy or something to do it before. It's been like forever since Tommi's been sewing anything so... it was quite fun to watch.

As we're almost the same size, my clothes fit him quite well and he was trying some of them on...
It was soooo much fun.

 I LOVE this look with my pink fishnet shirt and grey skirt. ♥

Harry Potter. Harry Potter. Harry Potter. Ohhh, how many times I heard that....

Jare & VilleGalle gig @Tivoli! They're finnish hip hop band ... Mostly rapping about sports. We went to their gig, just for fun as neither of us really likes that kind of music. But it was great!

We also ate one packet of popsicles, visited a sex shop, sat in front of a church (unfortunately it was closed so we couldn't go in!), played some relationship game with my brother and his girlfriend (that was interesting as we're not a couple :D) and talked a loooot about sex ..

And stayed up till about 9.30, watching movies! Transamerica, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pinocchio, Titanic ..
Looking forward to Tommi's birthday/housewarming party next month! ^_^

new hair & Tammerfest look

I got a new haircut a while ago. I had thought that I might want to grow my hair long again ... And what do do then;  of course, cut it short! Hahh. It's been about 6 years since my hair was as short as it's now. At first I felt a bit ... naked without my longer hair, but now I'm quite used it. Perfect hair for summer. I always wore ponytails at home, because it's much more comfortable, but now I don't have to because my hair is so short it feels like it's on ponytail all the time.

I wanted to try some bold make up look and different hairdo for Tammerfest, but what a surprise, it was a rainy day so there was no other option for hairdo than wear a hat... And, I was veeery tired so ended up with a simple make up look too.

I wore my black leggins sleeves and the purple dress and little vest that I've made, with those rose lace leggins. The colour of the day was obviosly purple, as I also had a purple hoodie as a jacket and purple scarf..

The Voodoo Nights @ Telakka on 15th July

Tammerfest 2011! 

I was meant to go to see The Saturnettes playing at Viikinsaari earlier but ... well, if gig starts already at 14, it's just far too early, especially if you don't go to bed before 9 in the morning! Hehh.

My friend Siz is in Finland again! I met her at the gig. This time she's going to stay in Finland much longer, so I'm sure there's going to be more blog posts including her too! Last year we went to a picnic in Hämeenlinna, Tammerfest, a gig @Varjobaari, my birthday party in Helsinki ... etc. I'm so happy for her, she loves Finland and now she's making her dreams come true, she's studying finnish language here!

(I hate the red lighting at some gig places.)

The Voodoo Nights @ Semifinal, Helsinki on 8th July

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