
Monday, 1 February 2010

Naked Civil Servant

On Saturday night I watched the film Naked Civil Servant. It's based on Quentin Crisp's autobiography, which is also called, surprisingly, Naked Civil Servant. I have the book too, my mum bought it for me last summer. But for some reason, I had difficulties when I was trying to read it. Maybe I just could't concentrate.. or there were used too many unfamiliar words.. or maybe it was just a too strange experience for me, to read something I haven't ever read before, as I'm always reading the same books over and over again. I was so frustrated because I couldn't understand everything of this book, so I stopped reading and I still haven't read it till the end..

Anyway, I borrowed the film from a library. I couldn't find it at first, because all the films are in alphaphetical order there and I was looking for it under 'N'.. Naked Civil Servant. It didn't occur to me that I should be looking under 'P', I had no idea that the film has a finnish name too. Anyway.. I finally found and borrowed it. When I got home, the first thing I wanted to do was to check if the film is black-and-white! But yeah, it's a coloured film despite the video tape looking so old.

 I really liked the film! I admire Quentin Crisp. He seemed to be a very interesting man. And it wasn't easy to be an effeminate gay in those times.. But he was who he was, no matter what people thought about it!


  1. perhaps you should try reading it again :D now that you've watched the movie it can be easier :P give it another try ;D

  2. I will try reading it again.. Till the end.. lol. But it's just weird, as I thought I didn't understand anything of the book.. Still, when I was watching the movie, it was so familiar from the start, I remembered I've read about some scenes in the book too.. O_o So I did understand while I was reading it last time! So I have no idea what was my problem, why did I think I didn't understand. :')

  3. xD perhaps you didn't know that your english is so good :D .. so this time you'll finish it and be happy taht you've understood everything :D

  4. I knew my english was good because I had read sooo many english books before too! O_o It's weird.. lol. Yeah I'll be happy :D

  5. xD but this time your english is better .. and it still keeps on getting better and better :D

  6. I know.. :) And I'll read this book when I've finished another book I haven't even started erasing yet as I don't have the book yet XD My spoken english needs lots of practising =(

  7. you could read this book loud xD .. or at least do it the way I do... sing along with your fav. songs :D I love singing along though I'm not sure if ppl want to hear me xD... until yet my sister hasn't complained so it can't be that worse ^^

  8. I've read a book loud.. (not thw whole book, lol) But it's not the same.. When I'm at home alone and reading english loud, I can pronounce and it feels easy.. But when I see someone I should talk in english, I just can't open my mouth! And when i do, I definiely can't pronounce because I'm so nervous. >_>
    Hahaha I don't like singing, I don't want to hear my voice XD

  9. well then you'll need somone to talk via skype to ^^ so you can practise pronouncing :P

    I love to sing XD but I'm not sure about my voice LoL ^^.... I mean I don't know if it really sounds good xD or if my sister just holds her tongue xD 'cause she doesn't want to be mean to me ... ^^anyway :P I really can't sit there and only listen to the music ^^.. it's hard enough to be quiet when I'm in bus an listening *g*

  10. I don't have a skype.. =/

    It doesn't matter if you sounds good or not.. If you like singing and you can stand hearing your voice, it's fine :DD If you sounded horrible, I'm sure your sister would have said it. XD Loool there's sometimes an old guy on the same bus with me.. And he's listening to music and SINGING and ... lol XD

  11. you could download.. but you once said your parents don't allow you to download that...
    but because you have msn you could use headphones to talk to someone...

    LOL.. xD well I'm not singing in public xD haha... must be weird when he sits on the bus and sings along *g*

  12. I don't know id we have headphones for our pc.. And who would I talk to? lool.. Maybe I just have to wait till I meet someone and can talk face to face :))

    It really is weird when he does it XD I'm so embarassed for him.. He can't even sing well. xD

  13. xD I do have headphones too I only used them once xD or twice... lol... well xD perhaps we really have to wait until we find someone to talk to face to face :D

    xD oh my not even good singer and he loves to sing in public LoL
    I'm sure I would start loughin xD... that's so mean xD I know... but somehow it would be the way I would react... ^.^ I think..

  14. I have used my mp3-players headphones for pc when I was watching some videos on youtube.. But it was years ago, now I don't have headphones that would fit to this pc =/
    Yeah and while waiting for that.. We can just practise our writing and reading skills ^__^

    I laughed too... XD But then I started feeling sorry for him and couldn't laugh... It was so embarassing that he sang horribly and everyone was staring at him like "O____o"

  15. :) practising our reading and writing skills is a good thing too :D

    xD I'm sure I would lough out loud ... xD and couldn't stop loughin.. oh xD I'm so mean! ^.^
    but actually I really can't imagine somone doin that 'cause I've never seen someone who does that xD lol... singin' in public when listening to the mp3 player

  16. yeah it is :)

    Haha.. I know it would be hard to keep the poker face , it's too funny XD but im too kind, always thinking other's feelings :')

  17. I really have to grin while reading that.. so I'm sure when I'd see such person.. singing to the music he/she listens on the mp3 player... xD I couldn't sit there and do like I wouldn't hear that ^^ .. I'm sure!

  18. Hahah yeah.. But fortunately there's no many such persons XD

  19. xD lol
    somehow I'd wish to see such person too... xD... just to once have seen that xD

  20. Lool.. Maybe someday when you come to Finland, you might see him XD If you don't see a person like him there before... XD

  21. yeah xD you have to show him to me :P so I can proudly say I've seen such person xD

  22. Yeah I hope we're going to see him when you come here XDD

  23. true :D xD but I have to practise not loughin out loud.. else I would start loughing ... xD

  24. Lol I don't think he would mind XD

  25. you think? xD but everyone would look at me and think I'm crazy xD... (well sometimes I am)

  26. Haha :D Who cares what everyone thinks!

  27. xD well yeah true... xD somehow it's funny when ppl think I'm drunk though' I'm not ;)

  28. sometimes they do ;D
    I don't care ^^

  29. xDD yeah like that time I was singing with my cousin for no reason rudolph the red nosed reindeer ^^ (it wasn't even close to winter ;D) ... sometimes it's so much fun when ppl look at you and you can almost read their mind ... xDD haha...


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